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Turbidity Sensor Information/Questions

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Turbidity Sensor Information/Questions

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    • #16627
        Hello EnviroDIY Mayfly community,
        I’ve watched many of the videos that are provided by the Stroud Center. Though some information (which I’m sure will be added in the updated manual) do no
      • #16630
        Shannon Hicks
          There’s a few things in your post to clarify to make sure we’re talking about the same equipment.  The various instructional videos and manuals we’ve released in the past few years
        • #16636
            Hi Shannon,

            Thank you for the information. I just wanted to clarify something mentioned that may be a roadblock with installing these turbidity sensors. The boards we are using are the Mayfly Data Lo

          • #17143
            Scott Ensign
              Given the popularity, complexity, and expense of turbidity sensors, the team here at the Stroud Center has compiled a snapshot of some commercially-available options that may help people decide on the
            • #17318
                Hello, I have a few Mayfly dataloggers deployed with Campbell Scientific OBS3+ sensors. I recently purchased a Campbell Scientific ClariVUE10 sensor and a Mayfly 1.1 datalogger and am looking for some
              • #17339
                Shannon Hicks
                  The old Campbell OBS3 turbidity sensor was an analog-output sensor that had 2 separate voltage outputs, one 5v power supply wire, and 3 ground wires, which is why I designed the old version of the 6-p
                • #17368
                    Thank you for the response Shannon. I stripped and tinned the wires on the sensor, connected it to the 6-pin screw terminal as directed, connected the screw terminal with a grove cable to a SD-12 port
                    • #17370
                      Shannon Hicks
                        When you changed the SDI12 address of the turbidity sensor to “2”, did you use the same Mayfly board and the  “SDI12/b_address_change” example sketch that comes with our libra
                    • #17371
                        I used the Mayfly 1.1 board and the sketch below. Thank you for helping me!

                        • #17373
                          Shannon Hicks
                            When you power up the ClariVUE10 sensor, we’ve found that it take a few seconds to warm up before the Mayfly can “see” it.  So when that sketch cycles through all of the available n
                        • #17374
                            I uploaded the “SDI12/b_address_change” sketch and the address of the sensor is correctly assigned at “2”. My sketch is below. I modified the DWRI CitSci code for the ClariVUE. Thanks
                          • #17375
                            Shannon Hicks
                              Thanks for posting your code, I edited your post to put it into the “code formatting” window that you can use when pasting code into our forum.  It’s the little unlabled icon that l
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