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Testing Data Uploads to data.envirodiy.org

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Testing Data Uploads to data.envirodiy.org

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  • Author
    • #12274
      Kevin Stokes
        I would like to deploy a sensor station and upload the data to data.envirodiy.org. I have a Mayfly datalogger and can take ultrasonic range data for water depth and temperature data and store the data
      • #12276
        Sara Damiano
          In short, no. There’s currently no way to send “testing” data to any site and delete those points later. You can create a site that you call testing, test uploads to it, and then del
        • #12283
            While it’s true that there’s no “testing mode” at data.envirodiy, I do test the communication before I deploy by just setting the station up and let it start running. My last t
          • #12285
            Kevin Stokes
              Thank you Beth and Sara. We are currently using older code to simply wake up the Mayfly, take data, and write to an SD card. This has been deployed outdoors and works. I see the best way to implement
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