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Sonic sensors and their enclosures

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Sonic sensors and their enclosures

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    • #12205
        This thread was originally posted as a status update in “Researchers forum”, and I think it could be helpful to index it as a topic in this forum.

        @kryan originally asked:

      • #12270
        Kevin Stokes
          Thank you. The students came up with almost the same idea; the attached image is their first design. We found some PVC pipe fittings that we think will help and we are working on a new design. Basical
        • #12282

            Hey @klstokes, especially if your students are already producing a written report, please encourage them to format it as a blog post so others can learn from their process!

          • #12284
            Kevin Stokes
              This first version had no cord grips. The students used silicone sealant but water was able to seep in somewhere. They say it didn’t flood. I have since purchased cord grips, http://www.newark.c
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