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Setting the real time clock

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Setting the real time clock

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  • Author
    • #2159
      Matt Findley
        Anyone out there run the PCsync.ino sketch recently to set up the real
      • #2161
        Shannon Hicks
          Did you try running the PCsync.exe file on your computer with the Mayfly attached? That method worked for me last time I tried it. But I usually just use the adjust.ino sketch available in the Examp
        • #2163
          Matt Findley
            Thanks for the response. I had not tried the PCsync.exe yet, I was taking small steps and had only sent a “T149290XXXX” string manually over the Arduino IDE serial monitor before posting
          • #2171
            Sara Damiano

              I got and accepted your pull request. The fix is in the library now.

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