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Serial1 of MayFly could not communicate

Home Forums Other Data Loggers Serial1 of MayFly could not communicate

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    • #17417

        I want to communicate mayfly with satellite Modem Swarm M138. Via the serial1 port on the arduino mega2560 connected to the Swarm Modem, the sketch I built can communicate well, but when  the serial1 port on the mayfly (2x10header) can’t communicate with the m138 swarm modem. Do any of you have any suggestions to overcome this?

      • #17422
        Shannon Hicks

          It should work fine, assuming you’ve wired the device to the Mayfly properly (did you connect the Ground of the Mayfly to the Ground of the modem?)  What is the operating voltage and communication voltage of the modem?  The mega2560 is a 5V board, while the Mayfly is a 3.3v board.

        • #17427

            Dear Shannon , I have already connected the GND of the Modem and GND of the Mayfly. Interfacing between Mega2560 to the Modem I have used of level converter ( 3.3V to 5 V) for TX1 and RX1 . Because the operating of the modem is 3.3 Volt and the the Mega is a 5 Volt.

            The operating of the Modem was a 3.3 Volt for the RX1 and TX1  and operating the mayfly also 3.3 Volt , so I connected directly without level converter. With this wire , modem still could not communicate with the mayfly. whether the communication function is not due to the difference in speed? Just information the baud rate modem fix 115600 bps and the mayfly 57600 bps.

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