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SDI-12 Change Address for Meter Hydros 21 CTD Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors SDI-12 Change Address for Meter Hydros 21 CTD Sensor

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    • #13069
        I am attempting to change the address for the Hydros 21 CTD sensor (On Mayfly Board v 0.5b) and running into an error uploading the SDI-12 Change Address sketch:

        Using Port

      • #13070
          After some searching on other forums it seems the sketch upload error is just a communications error. Is there any reason why I have previously been able to upload sketches to my board a
        • #13071
          Shannon Hicks
            It sounds like your PC is just not seeing the Mayfly. You should make sure the Mayfly is turned on at the main power switch, and that the small power-select slide switch is set to the USB/Lipo settin
          • #13072
              I was able to fix the issue, though I’m not sure at all why it worked. When I have a microSD card in extra slot for datalogging the Mayfly board will not even power up. As soon as I pull the mic
            • #13073
              Shannon Hicks
                What you’re describing with the microSD card is definitely not normal. I’ve encountered it only a few other times in over 1000 boards, and it’s usually caused by a bent pin inside t
              • #13079
                  Yes, this is a brand new board.
                  The microSD card is not the issue – I have switched cards and get the same result. Both cards work fine if used alone.
                  I believe the problem lies in the circuitr
                • #13109
                  Shannon Hicks
                    The Mayfly is not designed to have 2 microSD cards inserted at the same time. No one should ever insert two cards. The reason for the second vertical socket is for people who have the logger mounted
                  • #13110
                      Yes, the board seems to perform just fine while only 1 card is inserted. There are most definitely electrical irregularities when 2 cards are in at the same time! I had erroneously assumed that the h
                    • #13111
                      Shannon Hicks
                        The Mayfly logger processor is just like any other Arduino board, and loading sketches onto it is just like any other Arduino board. The uploaded sketch is “burned” into the microprocesso
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