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Regular Data Outages

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Regular Data Outages

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  • Author
    • #17015
      Jake Lemon
        Hi All. One of our stations is experience regular outages where data isn’t being sent to MMW. The outages seem to start mid to late m
      • #17016
        Shannon Hicks
          That station appears to be running the older configuration of Mayfly v0.5b and Digi LTE board (with an EnviroDIY LTEBee adapter in between the Digi board and the Mayfly), correct?  There could be sev
        • #17019
            Hi Jake, my take is its complex to be able to decode why MMW isn’t showing data ~ it needs a system look, location aspects (solar looks excellent) ,  maintenance inspection of site,  reliabili
          • #17050
            Jake Lemon
              Thanks all for the feedback. I went out to the site yesterday. One of our staff had switched out a Digi modem for an EnviroDIY modem a while back and plugged the EnviroDIY modem into the Digi adapter
              • #17051
                Shannon Hicks
                  Thanks for the followup.  Plugging an EnviroDIY sim7080 LTE bee board into one of the old Digi bee adapter boards will definitely cause problems, since there are different pinouts for the 2 cell modu
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