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Reading from EEPROM error in code

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Reading from EEPROM error in code

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    • #15184

        I am trying to write some code to test some new low-cost sensors, including a DFRobot gravity conductivity sensor (https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1123.html).  I have used snippets of DFRobot

      • #15185
        Sara Damiano
          I think you just missed commenting out one more reference to the EEPROM in line 144: EEPROM_read(KVALUEADDR, Kvalue); //1.0 means no change to raw readings. Just commenting or deleting th
        • #15186
          Sara Damiano
            If you’re still using the Arduino IDE, you might consider switching to VSCode (or Atom) with PlatformIO.  I know VSCode seems very scary to start with, but if you’re writing new code or e
          • #15187
              Thanks @srgdamiano! I will try again when I get home from work.

              I am using Atom with PlatformIO. How do I turn the linter tools on? thanks also for the tip on ‘extVoltage’. I was go

            • #15190
                Hi Sara,

                I worked through this and everything compiles correctly now!  Thanks for your help.

                I did wonder about the linter in Atom.  From what I have read there seems to be an issue with linters w

              • #15191
                  In case its of interest, I’m using the EEPROMClass from EEPROM.h


                  EEPROM.put(EP_PERSISTENT_STORE_ADDR, epc.app);  where epc.app

                • #15192
                  Sara Damiano
                    I’ve been using primarily VSCode for a while because it loads faster on my computer, but I believe I set Atom up to force ino’s as cpp’s:  https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/inte
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