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Rain gauge gets stuck

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Rain gauge gets stuck

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    • #18226
        Hello, I have issues with particular rain gauge. Hopefuly someone has already encountered something like this.

        The rain gauge is mechanical “tipping” one, but it does not have two contain

      • #18233
        Shannon Hicks

          Can you share the model number and manufacturer of the rain gage, or attach a picture of it that shows the tipping mechanism?

        • #18234

            It is ECRN-50 by Meter Group. There is “spoon” stuck in lower position in the picture.

          • #18236
            Shannon Hicks
              There should be little adjustment screws or stops that allow you to calibrate the sensor to tip at exactly one millimeter of rainfall (which is 5.0 ml of water).  Did you try adjusting them and doing
            • #18240
                Thank you very much for the answer. No, the rain gauge was deployed as it came out of the box. The sensor was leveled during installation, but the pole was not re-leveled since then and it was there f
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