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Programming Mayfly to send alerts…

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Programming Mayfly to send alerts…

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    • #12359

        Hi All,

        We haven’t deployed our Mayfly set-up yet but wanted to know if anyone has programmed for alarm/alert texts/calls if a certain set-point has been exceeded for a particular parameter, e.g. turbidity value exceeds 200NTU.



      • #12364
        Shannon Hicks

          Yes, I’ve done it before where the logger sends alerts directly from the station, but it’s usually easier to implement this using a script on whatever server you’re hosting your data on. Because if you want to change the value of the trigger points, or do some filtering of single spikes that occur during low turbidity (like from trash or fish that get in the way of the sensor during a single reading), or a slope analysis of the 5 most recent records, a very simple script can do that on the server, and then react by sending an alert to whatever destination you choose, which you can also change and update as frequently as you want on the server without having to visit the logger to reprogram it.

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