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Problem downloading Mayfly libraries

Home Forums Miscellaneous Problem downloading Mayfly libraries

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  • Author
    • #2231
      Jim Moore
        I am using the Arduino 1.8.2 IDE and I am having a problem installing the Mayfly libraries. I followed the following instructions:

        The simplest way to use these libraries is to right-click on th

      • #2232
        Shannon Hicks
          Depending on the browser you’re using, your save options might be worded differently in the drop down box when you right-click on a link. You could also just go directly to the library.zip file
        • #2233
          Sara Damiano
            I’m sorry for the hassle. You also cannot use the Arduino IDE’s library manager to directly import the libraries; using “add zip library…” won’t work. You have to
          • #2234
            Sara Damiano

              I tried to re-word the instructions on GitHub a little and get the link to the zip right so maybe it’s a little less confusing.

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