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Power usage of Mayfly1.1 with Hydros 21 cTD and LTE BEE cell modem

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Power usage of Mayfly1.1 with Hydros 21 cTD and LTE BEE cell modem

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    • #17790
        We are installing a new Mayfly 1.1 data logger with the LIPO 4400mah battery, LTE Bee cell modem, and a ETFE 5W 6V solar panel, Hydros21 CTD sensor taking data at 15 minute data taking intervals.


      • #17793
        Shannon Hicks
          Your questions are all very subjective to a variety of operating conditions, so I can only give you some broad estimates of what we’ve experienced with the 300+ stations we’ve installed an
        • #17794
            @rogers1313  gosh its all depends on the software you are using – what’s the version of software and the source. Since its open source software and hardware, and you can look at the softw
          • #17796
            Shannon Hicks
              We’ve published some sample power usage readings over the years, but it varies by station configuration and board version and a few other settings.  But in general, a Mayfly v1.1 revB board wit
            • #17797
              Shannon Hicks
                We’ve published some sample power usage readings over the years, but it varies by station configuration and board version and a few other settings.  But in general, a Mayfly v1.1 revB board wit
              • #17842
                  Some recent posts here explain the current difficult environment for calculating power usage on the mayfly as its dependent on a fast response from the server.

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