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Power Issues After Storm

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Power Issues After Storm

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  • Author
    • #17754
        Hi All,

        I had a station out for about a month and everything worked great until we had two stormy, cloudy days in a row. The voltage dropped too low to send data to Monitor My Watershed, and when we

      • #17756
        Shannon Hicks
          Your github repo isn’t public so I’m not able to view it.  I’d have to see the sketch to understand what’s going on with the logger code, but I’m guessing there’s
        • #17757

            Sorry about that, I just made the repo public if you have time to look at the sketch. We are using the EnviroDIY SIM7080G LTE Bee and a v1.0 board.

            I appreciate your insight and help!

          • #17758
            Shannon Hicks

              How are all your Atlas sensors connected to the Mayfly?  Through the I2C grove port?

            • #17759
                We have two versions of custom shields that the sensors are connected to that electrically isolate the circuits. The first shield connects to the power, ground, and I2C SDA and SCL pins on the Mayfly.
              • #17760
                Shannon Hicks
                  If you’re keeping the Switched Power Out LED on all the time, then that is also powering the Aux 3v regulator, the 5v boost regulator, and the 12v boost regulator, as well as the LED.  I haven&
                • #17765
                  Sara Damiano
                    Why did you decide to keep the power to your shield/Atlas sensors on all the time? Was there a code issue or was it something electrical? With the I2C isolator, you should be able to cut power to the
                  • #17900


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