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Power Issue

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Power Issue

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  • Author
    • #18225
      Jake Lemon
        I have a station that was recently deployed that cannot maintain sufficient battery voltage. The strange thing is that the voltage drops over one 15 minute increment, rather than gradually over time.
      • #18232
        Shannon Hicks
          It sounds like things aren’t connected to the Mayfly board properly.  The 3.7v Lipo battery gets connected to only one of the JST jacks labeled LIPO BATT on the Mayfly board, then a 6v solar pa
        • #18238
          Jake Lemon
            Thanks Shannon. I did swap the battery when I swapped the logger. I am using the matte finish panel. Also, I went to the EnviroDIY knowledge base parts list and clicked the link for the panel there. T
          • #18244
            Jake Lemon
              Any tricks on getting the new solar panel jacks plugged into the 2-pin adapter cable? They are really difficult to get in and I’m wondering if something was damaged while it was being plugged in
            • #18251
              Shannon Hicks
                They’re spring-loaded quick connect jacks.  The wires go in the round holes not the rectangular ones.  If you tug on them and they don’t come loose, then they should be connected properl
              • #18255
                Jake Lemon
                  Thanks Shannon. I was actually talking about the stereo jack. See attached image.

                  Since we transitioned to the new panels it has been very difficult to get the stereo jack from the panel plugged into

                • #18266
                  Jake Lemon
                    Hi Shannon. So I just received a few more panels. The stereo jack cables are going in relatively easily with these. I think I received some damaged hardware, causing the stereo jack cable to be very d
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