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PlatformIO not downloading all ModularSensors dependencies

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger PlatformIO not downloading all ModularSensors dependencies

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  • Author
    • #14792
      Matt Barney
        I recently began having the following problem: Any new PIO project I create will fail to compile, beginning with this error:

      • #14794
          There are smarter people at this than me, but I have  run into  two  solutions when  I have the issue you just had.

          1. rebuild/compile again.  It’s lame, but it sometimes solves the
        • #14796
          Matt Barney
            Hi Beth,

            Thank you for sharing your experiences! I’ve tried those things too, and I’ve definitely had them work for me in the past. I thought I had gotten pretty good at smacking PIO arou

          • #14797

              In theory, you  could  add  the missing  pieces manually….

            • #14798
              Matt Barney
                Yes, that works for sure; I had to do so last week just to get a couple of Mayfly loggers built and shipped out to the field. Now I’m revisiting the issue in order to get my dev environment back
              • #14799
                Matt Barney
                  Update: This looks to me like a PIO issue. Reverting to earlier versions of PlatformIO IDE, it works; i.e., it downloads all ModularSensors’ dependencies as expected, and my project compiles suc
                • #14801
                    I’ve been experiencing exactly the same thing Matt described.  Atom and Platform IO quit working for me, gave the same compile error.  I uninstalled them and then they would not reinstall.  S
                  • #14803
                    Matt Barney

                      Thanks @armas. I have filed an issue with PlatformIO and am awaiting a response. -Matt

                    • #14806
                      Sara Damiano
                        I’m sorry for being late on this.

                        It’s definitely something with the newest versions of PlatformIO and the very weird part is that for me *sometimes* it works and other times it does.


                      • #14807
                        Sara Damiano

                          Also, with PlatformIO version 5 you can now specify the owner along with the library name in the lib_deps section so you’re sure you get the right one.

                        • #14817
                          Matt Barney
                            Thank you, Sara, for the additional tips for working around this PIO issue. I haven’t gotten a response yet on their github issues page, so need to post it on their community forum for others wh
                          • #14972
                            Matt Barney

                              This issue is fixed in the latest PIO dev version. Details can be found in the PIO issue thread.


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