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platformio.ini help

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger platformio.ini help


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  • Author
    • #17614
      Laura DeCicco
        I’ve mostly converted from the basic Arduino IDE to VSCode/Platform IO. The main reason I made the switch was library management. I love every aspect so far (code completion, integrated Git tool
      • #17616
          @ldecicco congrats on trying the platformio – it has a lot of professional capability, but like anything – getting in a fancy plane(!) there are lots of bells and whistles that can go off.
        • #17621
          Laura DeCicco
            Thanks @neilh20, I think I needed to run pio pkg install . Now that I have done that – the libraries do indeed clone then install automatically when I update the .ini file.


          • #17627
              Great @ldecicco  – one area to note with “pio pkg install” is how it becomes part of your build process.  I like to have a
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