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Pin locations for Yosemitech Y510-B

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Pin locations for Yosemitech Y510-B

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    • #16227
        I am having an issue on getting my Yosemitech Y510-B Turbidity and Y504 dissolved oxygen sensor working. Currently my program is logging but for both sensors the output is continuously -9999 and NULL
      • #16228
        Sara Damiano
          AltSoftSerial only works on pins 5 and 6. That’s why there’s no place in the code to declare the Tx and Rx pins. It’s strictly limited to those two.

          Is there a reason you have the t

        • #16230
            Thank you so much for answering me I have been stuck for quite some time.

            To answer your questions, I am running them separate because my Y504 Sensor requires 6+volts and needed a DC step up booster

          • #16231
            Sara Damiano
              There’s no enable pin broken out, so it must have automatic flow control.  That’s what you want.  This one, right:  https://www.amazon.com/ALMOCN-Adapter-Module-Converter-Indicator/dp/B
            • #16233
              Sara Damiano
                Changing the address via the Yosemitech library is not hard.  I would strongly recommend you do that rather than mess with two adapters an
              • #16234
                  I just took off my DO sensor and am now testing the Turb (Y510) alone, I just moved the RXD and TXD from the adapter to pin 5 and 6. However when I do so only the TXD LED lights up when TXD wire is in
                • #16235

                    Oh sorry I just saw your other comments. Thank you! I will get to testing that.

                  • #16236

                      I do believe my DO sensor right now is fried from another mishap, so I am trying to get just the Turbidity sensor to work currently.

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