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New Mayfly user – upload stopped working

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger New Mayfly user – upload stopped working

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  • Author
    • #12315
      Dave Fisher
        I recently attended a Mayfly class, and bought a board thru Amazon. I followed setup instructions carefully, and was able to run the blink demo, write to the SD card, etc. The next day when I starte
      • #12316
          Hi Dave,

          Sorry you’re having this trouble. I have a couple of possibly not useful pieces of information to see if I can help you. It sounds like you have a connection problem.

          First, are you

        • #12317
          Dave Fisher
            Problem fixed! Problem cause: days ago, I tried to insert the Real-Time-Clock battery upside down. It made contact, but wouldn’t seat fully (of course). I removed the battery, but DIDN’T
          • #12318
              @davejadco-com, glad it’s working. I can’t imagine why the Mayfly wouldn’t receive an upload without the RTC battery. Or with it upside down, for that matter. I had a student insert
            • #12319
              Dave Fisher
                You’re right, apparently my RTC is fried since it will not hold the time/date. This is very frustrating, as I followed the RTC battery installation instructions on this forum at

              • #12320
                  Hi Dave, the orientation in your photo is correct (and that’s the correct way demonstrated in the thread you linked), so I’m a little bit confused about how yours could be fried. It’
                • #12326
                  Dave Fisher
                    Beth – success! Problem fixed. Board not fried. The “wicked hard to push in” really helped – I, ah, “insisted” that the battery get seated oriented as in the pic
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