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Monitoring well or piezometer water level sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Monitoring well or piezometer water level sensor


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    • #2125
        I am teaching a senior level environmental science course and one of the research groups is installing piezometers in a wetland. We have decided to build a water level sensor using an Adafruit Feather
      • #2127
          Hi Sedhead, thanks for sharing. I’m just heading out the door for a weekend camping, and so a quick comment.
          I’m not affiliated at all with the EnviroDiy – but I wonder if you’
        • #2154
            Thanks for you input, Neil. We decided to try out the Feather mainly for cost issues, and it seems fine for a lot of things, but it just isn’t working with the sensor we have. Seems to have pro
          • #2183
              Hi…i am a new user here.As per my knowledge it is a good place to start with a field deployable project, how do you plan on environmentally protecting it, powering it , and then testing and upda
            • #2341
                Hi…i am a new user here. According to me the benefit is that there is just the type of experience on this board for that device and software. I would think the key software you want to verify is
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