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Modem Alternatives (Verizon certified)

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Modem Alternatives (Verizon certified)

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    • #17716
        Hello EnviroDIY,

        I am wondering if there are other modems that can operate on the Mayfly 1.1 that are certified on the Verizon network? The new EnviroDIY modems are not certified on the Verizon netwo

      • #17717
        Sara Damiano
          As of a few years ago, the Skywire were _NOT_ compatible with the Mayfly. They use the XBee footprint, but they’ve re-arranged some of the pins so that it won’t work with the Mayfly –
        • #17718
            Thanks for the quick reply Sara. I might be willing to use jumper wires, but realistically, I lack the time and expertise to figure this out on my own in the near term. If someone else has done this a
          • #17720
            Matt Barney
              We’ve had success using the EnviroDIY modem on Verizon (though I recognize that the modems are currently out of stock). See We’ve had success using the EnviroDIY modem on Verizon (though I recognize that the modems are currently out of stock). See this thread for details on the SIM and APN.
              • #17746
                  Matt, I did see that thread about the SIM and APN details, and have no doubt that the modems will work. The trouble is that our Verizon rep (as of January 2023) does not see the EnviroDIY modem IMEI n
                  • #17750
                    Matt Barney
                      We purchased NimbeLink’s Verizon SIMs, and we activate them and purchase service directly from NimbeLink, so never had to deal with Verizon itself.

                      I did contact SIMCom (maker of the modem chip

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