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MMW not receiving data

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW not receiving data

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  • Author
    • #15482
      Tom Schanandore
        For the past two days for about a 10 hour period, it appears that MMW is not receiving data. I thought it was just my stations, but I see that all stations network wide are losing connection around th
      • #15483
        Heather Brooks
          I believe this is the same issue that was reported here? If so, it should mostly be resolved. The browse sites feature is now work
        • #15485
          Robert S
            I am seeing what I think @thomas-schanandore is seeing as well.
            MMW is saying that many sites have not been updated (ex. May 6, 2021, 3:50 p.m. (UTC-05:00) (12 hours, 55 minutes ago).

            Last night I co

          • #15486
            Shannon Hicks
              The database still has some issues with sparkline plots and a few other things.  The team is still working on it but don’t have an estimate on when things will be back to 100% functional again.
            • #15492
              Matt Barney
                Hi All,

                Just checking in to see if there is any news about the status of MMW. I haven’t been able to find relevant issues in the O

                • #15493
                  Shannon Hicks

                    Some features of MMW are still down due to some complex server issues.  They’re still working on it but haven’t given a specific date when everything might return to normal.

                • #15512
                  Matt Barney
                    We are also seeing the data gaps that I believe @thomas-schanandore and @movingplaid have reported above across all 3 of the stations that I’ve checked.

                    In particular, there are large gaps (9-

                  • #15516
                    Anthony Aufdenkampe
                      Hi All,

                      Our apologies for the several sets of bugs on the Monitor My Watershed / EnviroDIY / ODM2DataSharingPortal.

                      The short story is we have had 3 sets of issues in the last two weeks:

                    • #15517
                      Matt Barney
                        Thanks @aufdenkampe – really appreciate that update, and all of the hard work by you and the team to fix and document these issues!

                        Note that the lost data appears to extend beyond May 7th, wit

                      • #15525
                          I’ve been seeing gaps, lost data in downloaded .csv  ~ hopefully comes back.

                          Checking this morning there has been no gaps as I can find from the downloaded .csv in my test site since

                          UTC 2021

                        • #15543
                          Anthony Aufdenkampe
                            @mbarney & @neilh20, the CSV downloads are not an effective way of accessing data gaps, because that mechanism relies on the same corrupted catalog crosswalk that underlies the problem with the sp
                          • #15544
                            Matt Barney

                              OK, thanks for that clarification.


                            • #15545
                                Hello Anthony, yes thanks for the clarification.

                                As an engineer, I am often asked is the solution more painful than the problem it is solving!

                                The problem breakdown, when looking through the eyes of

                              • #15546
                                Anthony Aufdenkampe
                                  Hi All,

                                  Good news! We completed the fix to issue #3 “Sparkline” plots and CSV downloads not functioning.

                                  As expected, most of the data that looked to be missing is now showing up in th

                                • #15548

                                    faaaaantastic  !!!

                                    My data looks good from the May 12.    Thankyou so much to everybody who has pulled that together.

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