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No site markers on MMW ?

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed No site markers on MMW ?

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    • #15463
      Robert S

        Anyone else experiencing issues with MMW ?

        When I go to “Browse Sites”, the map is displayed but no markers for the individual sites.
        (Tried with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome)

      • #15465
        Shannon Hicks

          Yes, it’s been down most of the day.  The MMW data team is working on it.

        • #15466
          Robert S

            Okay thanks (and way to quick).

          • #15474
            Shannon Hicks

              Monitor My Watershed is still down and not showing stations on the main page when you click “Browse Sites”.  The data team is still working on repairing the site. But don’t worry, data is still being collected and all of it is available if you know the site code for the station you’re interested in.  For users that have their own sites or are following sites (My Sites), as a temporary fix, you can go to your My Sites (https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/) or Status (https://monitormywatershed.org/status/) pages to access the data.

              You can also use Monitor My Watershed’s Time Series Analyst tool:  https://monitormywatershed.org/tsa/
              You’ll be able to see all the stations on a map, and then click on it to take you to the usual TSA visualization for the station data.

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