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Missing data with manual upload to MMW

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Missing data with manual upload to MMW

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  • Author
    • #13259
      Jim Moore
        I have added code to my Atlas EC logger to format the header with the UUIDs for the station. my upload file looks like this:
        Sampling Feature UUID: e0cd2a0b-ba4b-4929-a7b4-093e118be52e,
        Date and Tim
      • #13266
        Sara Damiano

          I’m stumped. I have no idea why it’s failing. Your format is correct, your UUID is correct and in the right place… I have no idea. I’ll report it as a bug.

        • #13267
          Sara Damiano
          • #13268
            Jim Moore
              For what its worth I uploaded data to GMI_EC#6 last night and no missing data. However I had uploaded data earlier but had the wrong sensor order. I deleted these sesnors add re added them in the cor
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