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Minor Glitch Reading Maxbotix MB7389 with Mayfly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Minor Glitch Reading Maxbotix MB7389 with Mayfly

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  • Author
    • #12309
      Kevin Stokes
        We have deployed a water depth station using a Maxbotix MB 7389 ultrasonic sensor with a Mayfly datalogger. It is dutifully reading the sensors every 11 minutes and uploading the data to data.enviroDI
      • #12321
        David Petry
          I am also having a similar issue with the MB7989 with MB7955 and EnviroDIY Mayfly. My sensor was deployed for four days, and when I went back to check on it and swap out an SD card, when it turned bac
        • #12329
          Kevin Stokes
            I have an update. I think the problem comes from the reading the sensor with SoftwareSerial_ExInts. There is data left in the read buffer after the read. I’m not sure if this is a real fix, but
          • #12346
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              Kevin and David, thanks for posting these issues with the MaxSonar. David, thanks also for the photos!

              I’ve also had funkiness with my Maxbotix deployments this summer when using the EnviroDIY

            • #12394
              Anthony Aufdenkampe
                Kevin and David,
                Here’s a heads up that the after some testing, we pushed those development branches to the master branch of https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors. The Maxbotix should work
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