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Mayfly with LoRA module physical connection

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly with LoRA module physical connection

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  • Author
    • #14599
      Dale Drummond

        I am working on a project that is trying to use the Semtech SX1272MB2DAS Shield LoRa transceiver for connectivity back to a Cisco LoRAWAN gateway. I was successful in getting the HYDROS-21 sen

      • #14600
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          Dale, I’m not familiar at all with the Semtech SX1272MB2DAS Shield LoRa radio module.

          I am, however, quite familiar with the MultiTe

        • #14601
          Matt Barney
            Hi all,

            Glad to hear about others using radio modules to relay Mayfly data to in internet connection. And Anthony, it’s great to hear about the mDot modules potentially being incorporated in Mo

          • #14602
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              Matt, LoRa is a big leap beyond the Xbee 900 MHz self-meshing and local network stuff.

              Shannon set up an Xbee 900 MHz network for us in 2012, which I think is still in use. Short story is that 1 km r

            • #14606
                Hi Anthony, I would also be available for testing/helping integrate LoRa networking and I have some gateways. Wow great news to hear there is an implementation done.

                For my local SSU I volunteer as I

              • #14608
                Dale Drummond
                  Hi Anthony,

                  Thanks for your reply. I will have to check out the LoRa radios you suggested. I’ve been looking at the ModularSensors library as well. I’m am also checking with the project s

                • #14633
                  Dale Drummond
                    Hi Anthony,

                    I picked up a couple of the MultiTech mDotTM LoRa radio modules. Can you share any example code you have f

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