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Mayfly Stops Logging and Other Issues

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly Stops Logging and Other Issues

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  • Author
    • #13138

        I had deployed several Mayfly loggers last week to collect data from a turbidity sensor, and they would log data to the SD card in the lab and for a short time in the field but at some random

      • #13139
        Jim Moore
          I can’t offer any specific suggestions for your problems but I recognize some of the code that I used for a similar project to gather Electrical Conductivity (EC) data. I have attached my
        • Note: The code uses the D10 hardware interrupt therefor SJ1 must be cut from A7 and connected to D10.
        • Hope this helps

    • #13143
      Sara Damiano
        It’s possible that there is a short-circuit in the Mayfly, but this sounds more like a problem with your code or sensors.

        When you’re posting code, please use the “Add Code Snippet&

      • #13144

          Thank you for the information. I removed the unnecessary parts in my code, as we currently were not using the OLED screen. Since we are not using the screen any longer, I2C is also no longer

        • #13145
          Sara Damiano

            Since we are not using the screen any longer, I2C is also no longer being used.

            No. If you are using either the DS3231 real time clock or the TI1115 analog-to-digital conve

          • #13146
            Shannon Hicks
              I edited your original post to put the code into the Code Snippet tool.

              I check every one of the Mayfly boards thoroughly before they get sent out to Amazon, so it’s possible that one with an F

            • #13157


                Thank you everyone for your help. These issues have been resolved.

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