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Mayfly Power Consumption

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly Power Consumption

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  • Author
    • #1583
      John Smutny
        Right now I am trying to power the mayfly using a battery pack, but I am not sure how much power the Mayfly and all of it’s applications (XBEE port, SD card reader) consume. I am only concerned
      • #1585
        Shannon Hicks

          Yes, I’ve done a variety of power measurements with the Mayfly board, so I can publish a table showing the different options. I’ll put a link to it here when the page is posted.

        • #1586
          John Smutny

            Ok, that sounds good. By the way thank you for being so helpful with the switch error, everything is working fine now

          • #1674
            Shannon Hicks
              I haven’t had a chance to make a table of all of the power usage data from my tests, but here are some of the more important measurements:

              Mayfly current when board is powered and idle: 6.5 m

            • #1680

                Hi Steve,

                Can you provide a little bit of example code that demonstrates how to put the MCU to sleep?


              • #1682
                John Smutny

                  Cool, thank you Steve for the measurements, as these will provide enough information to approximate the size of battery I will need

                • #1684
                  Shannon Hicks
                    For most of my loggers, I use a 1200mah or 2500mah battery, depending on how much power the external sensors draw, what size solar panel I’m using, and how shady the deployment site might be.
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