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Mayfly availability as of June 2019?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly availability as of June 2019?

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    • #12919
      Brett Melbourne

        I just bought the last 5 Mayfly boards available on Amazon. The kits are also out of stock. Do you know when you will have more available? Thanks!

      • #12923
        Shannon Hicks
          We had a big run on boards and kits the past couple weeks, I guess it’s the spring monitoring season again. I usually try to keep the Amazon store well-stocked, but we sold more in the past few
        • #12925
          Brett Melbourne

            Thanks! I see they are available for pre-order again on Amazon. Yes, summer field season is in full swing :).

          • #12939

              Is there any place where the 90 degree SD card adapters can be purchased by themselves?

              • #12941
                Shannon Hicks
                  For the past few years, we’ve only offered the vertical microSD card adapter as part of the starter kit. But if there’s significant demand for it, I suppose we could add it to our Amazon
              • #12944

                  We have about 10 Mayflys and would like to have an adapter for each, but don’t need the starter kit.

                • #12957
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Some of you have already noticed that the Mayfly boards and kits are back in stock on Amazon. If you’re planning to order more than a dozen of any item, I’d appreciate an email at mayfly@
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