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Mayfly and Maxbotix MB7386 Range Issue

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly and Maxbotix MB7386 Range Issue

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  • Author
    • #12297
      Scott Murrison
        Hello all,

        I am still trying to get a water level sensor together. I got the code, radios, and Ethernet connection all working. I am able to get the data posted to a MySQL database. Now I am havin

      • #12298
          Any chance it’s the 5 meter model? From what I’ve seen it’s not possible to tell the difference from the housing. (I’d love to be corrected and learn how to tell if I have that
        • #12299
          Scott Murrison
            I thought about that too. I’m not sure if there is a way to check. The model number says it is supposed to be a 10 meter sensor. And the reading shows 9999 when the object is out of range. T
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