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Logging to ThingSpeak

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Logging to ThingSpeak

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    • #13759
        Hello Everyone,

        I’m starting work towards logging data to ThingSpeak, and I’m wondering if anyone else has had any luck with this recently? I have found many discussions regarding logging

      • #13765
        Jim Moore
          Hi Evan-

          I can’t provide any info on ThingSpeak and only have a limited knowledge based on some Dr Google research last night.  I currently have six of my Hi Evan-

          I can’t provide any info on ThingSpeak and only have a limited knowledge based on some Dr Google research last night.  I currently have six of my Low cost EC stations deployed in Great Marsh (N. Chester County) plus two of the Mayfly decagon stations (BCMC3S and..4S).  The six EC stations are currently logging data to the µSD cards and have to be manually uploaded to MonMW which is rapidly losing its appeal!  I have been thinking of using the LoRa 900 MHz radios.  Without reinventing the wheel the LoRaWAN may be the way to go but that is currently above my pay grade!

          My other option is to simply fit my 6 sensor stations with 4G radios. I am hoping Sara and Shannon can help me with that.  I checked the Hologram pricing structure and its not at all clear what the base cost is.  GMI is supporting the two Decagon stations and the cost is $8/month plus $.60 per month for the second device so I am assuming that my additional cost would only be $3.60 per month.  Can someone confirm that?

          I have attached a GE image of the GMI array of sensors on most of the UNTs to the Great Marsh wetland.

        • #13767
            Hi Jim

            Thanks for your response. I’ve got a decent logger program using the Mayfly that saves everything to a microSD, thanks to the resources here. But you’re right…why should I ha

          • #13768
            Shannon Hicks
              There are lots of different places you can send your data.  ThingsSpeak is just one of several sites available that offer different levels of hosting, depending on how many stations you have, how lon
            • #13770
                Hi Shannon

                I am not opposed to MMW at all, I had intended to use it from the beginning. I am familiar with Matlab and liked that its embedded, and if I go telemetric with my loggers, my funding will

              • #13777
                Sara Damiano
                  I’m sorry I haven’t been responding.

                  Right now the ModularSensors library doesn’t directly support LoRa or any other “radio” type communications – it’s desig

                • #13791
                  Jim Moore
                    Hi Shannon-

                    I think I will go with the 2G network for my project.  I am not having much luck finding a source for the SIM800H.  Adafruit has them but on a different board. I ran all the numbers on

                  • #13793
                    Shannon Hicks
                      Jim, the 2G modules in your stations is the GPRSbee, made by SODAQ.  You can order it directly from them on their webshop (https://shop.sodaq.com/gp
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