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Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor

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  • Author
    • #2129
      Sara Damiano
        Several people have asked about how to get a Decagon CTD or other SDI-12 sensor logging with the Mayfly, so I’m trying to put together a list of steps to help everyone out. Our convention at he
      • #2130
        Sara Damiano
          Up to 61 SDI-12 sensors can be connected to the same pin of the Mayfly. It is more stable to use the same pin for all the SDI-12 sensors you wish to connect rather than using different pins for each
        • #2133
          Shannon Hicks
            Another option for connecting a sensor’s 3.5mm stereo headphone plug is to use these stereo jacks:
            Just strip the blac
            • #2138
              Sara Damiano
                Yup, doing the soldering will make your 3.5mm jack connection much prettier and more secure than using the screw terminals. If you’re skilled with a soldering iron, it’s the way to go.


            • #2134
              Sara Damiano
                Once you have physically connected your sensor to your Mayfly board, the next step is to download the library to communicate with the it from GitHub. If you are only interested in the SDI-12 library,
              • #2135
                Sara Damiano
                  The next step is to set the SDI-12 address of the sensor. Communication with the sensor depends on its 1-character alphanumeric address (1-9, A-Z, a-z). Unfortunately, Decagon ships all of its senso
                • #2136
                  Sara Damiano
                    Now that your sensor is connected and has an address set, you can get data from it using code like this:

                  • #2137
                    Sara Damiano
                      If you would prefer, you can also look into the Modular Sensors library, which has functions already built into it for getting data from a Dec
                    • #2139
                      Sara Damiano
                        One more thing: If you’re going to use your Mayfly as a logger, make sure you set the real time clock first! I’ve written a sketch and tiny executable to synchronize the Mayfly with your
                      • #14480
                          Hi Sara,

                          I am having issues when I come to this step and can use a little help troubleshooting my issue. I cannot get my sensor to connect to an address. I have an SDI-12 sensor with bare wires conne

                          • #14484
                              Just an FYI,  as I understand the SDI-12 spec, the receiving instrument should receive 3.5V for a ‘0’ or space.   The mayfly port is only capable of supplying 3.3V – so it may wor
                            • #14491
                              Shannon Hicks
                                Check your wiring, the Meter group CTD sensor has a red wire for the data (signal) wire, white is positive voltage, and black is ground. It’s kind of backwards from most common DC sensor wires
                                • #14492
                                    Our wiring looks to be correct. We talked with the folks at Meter and they had us test the voltage across the board which seemed fine. They are sending us an independent tester to see if it is an issu
                                  • #14498
                                    Shannon Hicks
                                      Can you post a picture of your sensor wiring showing how it’s connected to the terminal board and also a photo showing how it’s connected to the Mayfly? Did you make any changes at all to
                                    • #14503

                                        Sure, no problem. I didn’t make any changes to the change address sketch. The  Here is what I am looking at:

                                      • #14506
                                        Shannon Hicks
                                          Thanks for the photo. The screw terminal pic looks fine, on pic of the Mayfly, it’s hard to see the jumper pins for the D6-D7 grove jack, but can you verify that there is a jumper (shunt) on th
                                        • #14510

                                            It looks like they are all there. Here is a better photo from a different angle.

                                      • #14488
                                          I have come up with an inline  plug-in circuit that will do the voltage shifting ( and  generate a +12V power and ESD protection)  that I’m working on, so just mentioning it here. If anybody
                                        • #14532

                                            I was having the same problem with the address change sketch (using the Atom PlatforIO) so I tried using Arduino IDE and that worked. It saw the SDI-12 address of 0 at pin 7 and I successful

                                          • #15606
                                              I am able to retrieve values from my Decagon ES2 sensor, but only temperature. Conductivity comes back with a value of 0.0. When I hook it up to a Campbell Scientific CR1000 logger, both conductivity
                                              • #15607
                                                Shannon Hicks
                                                  I’d need to see the rest of your sketch to make sure everything else is set up correctly for reading the sensor properly.  Can you post your entire sketch, and tell me what version of the Modul
                                              • #15609
                                                  I was able to get it to work correctly. The only thing I changed was removal of the UUIDs for all of the variable pointers. I also moved the voltage pin so D7 was getting 5v instead of 3.3. I don̵
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