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Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Interrupt

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  • Author
    • #2224
        I’m trying to use a flow meter that ticks every revolution from a magnet passing a hall effect sensor, equating to some volume of liquid. I need to be sure not to miss a tick so I need the inter
      • #2226
        Shannon Hicks
          The Mayfly has 3 hardware interrupts. They are RXD1 (INT0), TXD1 (INT1), and D10 (INT2). To use the “attachInterrupt” function, you can only use the three hardware interrupt pins, and yo
        • #2227
          Jim Moore
            I have been trying to setup the new rev 0.5 boards to run my Atlas Scientific sensors and I have been using the Mayfly_sleep example. I changed J1 to use D10 as the interupt and it didn’t work
          • #2228
            Shannon Hicks
              Because the v0.5 board can now accept an input supply voltage up to 12v, I had to change the onboard voltage divider that’s used for measuring the battery voltage by way of A6. So the formula f
            • #2266

                I’ve the same problem with a rain gauge sensor:

                I’ve tried with a bridge in sj12 and also in sj1 but nothing happens…

                Any hints?

              • #2270
                Shannon Hicks
                  SJ-12 is for enabling the pullup resistor on D10. SJ-1 is for changing the square wave alarm signal from the RealTimeClock from A7 (default) to D10. As stated on the Jumper Settings page (https://en
                • #2280
                  Sara Damiano
                    You should also be able to use pin-change interrupts for the tipping bucket, which would allow you to use any pin at all. Using pin change interrupts requires an extra library, though. I’m a f
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