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Hyrdos 21 Gen2 – Can’t Change Address

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Hyrdos 21 Gen2 – Can’t Change Address

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    • #17778
        I have some new METER Hydros 21 (gen 2) sensors and I want to hook them up to my Mayfly to calibrate them against some known standards before I deploy them.  The problem is that the b_address_change
      • #17779
        Shannon Hicks
          Does the sensor have bare wires or a 3.5mm stereo plug?  Either way, ensure that the sensor is connected properly to the Mayfly with the sensor power wire going to a 3.3v or 5v constantly powered pin
        • #17782
            Thanks, Shannon.

            I did double check the things you mentioned.  And as I said, this whole setup just worked when I did it with different gen 2 Hydros sensors in January.  Still not having any luck.

          • #17788
            Shannon Hicks
              If you’re able to swap out a Hydros21 manufactured in 2022 with your hardware and everything works fine, but sensors from 2023 aren’t working, then it’s possible that they’ve m
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