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Hydros 21 and Serial Comms

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Hydros 21 and Serial Comms

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  • Author
    • #18466
        Hello, my senior project team at Lake Superior State University is using the Mayfly board with the Hydros 21 CTD sensor.

        We are using the ModularSensors library and we’re wondering if there is

      • #18468
        Sara Damiano
          I know nothing about rosserial. Are you using Hardware Serial with it? Serial or Serial1? Are you using some type of software serial (SoftwareSerial, AltSoftSerial, NeoSWSerial)? Very quickly skimming
        • #18470
          Scott Ensign

            @rhouck, @damiano moved this post to a new thread here. I noticed that you reposted to a different thread. Please reply to this thread.

            • #18471

                Thank you, Scott. I am not used to this forum and got a bit mixed up.

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