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How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading

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    • #15604
      Charitha (CJ)
        I’m using a mayfly logger and trying to send out a 0-5V signal out to an actuator to be controlled using data collected thorough a CTD sensor (Hydros 21).  I have used the ‘DRWI_NoCellula
      • #15605
        Anthony Aufdenkampe
          Check out this repo: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Trigger

          This example sketch shows how it would be used in combination with the ModularSensors library: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/Trigger/blob/mast

        • #15608
          Shannon Hicks
            What’s the duration of the 5v signal you want to generate?  And how much current does the 5v actuator draw?  Pin D22 controls the switched 3.3v and 5v outputs together, so there’s no way
            • #15611
              Charitha (CJ)
                Thank you so much for the replies. The 5V signal duration varies with site and rain event conditions. However, with my previous field work, using a campbell system, the valve controlled by the actuato
              • #15619
                Charitha (CJ)
                  I changed the connections as you have suggested. I noticed that D22 gets activated when .logData() function is run. And because the data reading interval is controlled through .logData() I can’t
              • #15620
                Shannon Hicks
                  I’d have to see the rest of your sketch to know what you’re trying to accomplish with the 5v output.  If you put the CTD sensor on the D4-5 jack, and move the jumper to constant 3.3v, the
                  • #15621
                    Charitha (CJ)
                      Basically trying to control flow through an outlet of a bioswale. The algorithm for control is attached as a diagram (I have written this in python and campbell coding but yet to do in C++). I’ve at
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