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How Do I Order The New Mayfly Monitor from Shop

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How Do I Order The New Mayfly Monitor from Shop

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    • #16036
        On Saturday 10/2, I saw that the new MayFly Monitor is now available. I registered, wento to Shop, All Products & on page 2 if found it BUT there are no instructions to order it. Help !!!! https:/
      • #16038
        Shannon Hicks
          As stated in the blog post about the new releases, I’m working as fast as I can to prepare all the products for shipment, and will be updating the shop and forum as soon as they are available. 
        • #16043
            Always a lot of work getting a new revision out and running compatibility tests. I’ve admired the way
            Paul Stoffregen of PRJC created a fishbowl for the releases, one I remember with the Teensy
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