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Grove 4 pin terminal board

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Grove 4 pin terminal board

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    • #17551
        I am trying to connect an ancient rain logger to the Mayfly. I have a pair of wires that come out of the tip bucket. I need a connector from the wires (each wire contains two wires for a total of four
      • #17562
          Hello Mary, gosh you may have to provide more detail of what you are thinking you are doing. The tipping bucket is typically a pulse count – it needs to translate the mechanical tipping bucket t
        • #17565
            Thank you for your help. I’ve ordered a ProTrinket. Basically, I am trying to recreate what the rain logger did before it died. Log date, time and a tip, convert the tip to inches and have a run
          • #17567
            Shannon Hicks
              If you have the original sketch that someone wrote for the logger, then that should give you clues of how everything should be connected.  There are several different ways in which to connect a tippi
            • #17670
                I went with the ProTrinket/Mayfly solution. My problem is no red light on the ProTrinket, only a green, I have pushed the reset button on the ProTrinket but still no red light. Is there a setting unde
              • #17678
                  OK, I’m giving up on the ProTrinket solution. I went with the ProTrinket originally because there was a wiring diagram I could understand (not a hardware person). I need a similar picture for th
                • #17688
                  Sara Damiano
                    To close the jumper on the Mayfly, you need a soldering iron. If you don’t have access to one of those, you might need to go back to the trinket.

                    You could also order a replacement pendant log

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