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Rain Gauge Tip Data Without Rain

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Rain Gauge Tip Data Without Rain

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    • #14723
        I’ve got 5 solar powered Mayflys deployed with ProTrinket tip counters connected to heated and non heated rain gauges reporting their data to

      • #14761
          Hi Brian, You may want to describe the type of tipping bucket and the electrical interface for counting .  Some types of relay contacts can oxidize and require a minimum wetting current at some point
        • #14767
          Sara Damiano
            I’m guessing you’ve made one of these:  https://github.com/EnviroDIY/TippingBucketRainCounter

            I’ve edited the code that makes it work with ModularSensors, but I haven’t ever

          • #14776
            Anthony Aufdenkampe
              @brianjastram, I think my colleagues in Washington DC have experienced a similar problem to yours, and after a bunch of troubleshooting, we figured out that it was due to electromagnetic interference
            • #14777
              Shannon Hicks
                Is there a benefit to using a Trinket for counting the tips instead of using the Mayfly?  I’ve built a bunch of tipping bucket recorders using only Mayfly boards by just connecting the bucket&#
              • #14781
                Anthony Aufdenkampe
                  @shicks, that’s great to hear that you have a bunch of tipping buckets connected directly to the Mayfly. Could you share that code with us? Is it integrated with ModularSensors? It would be very
                • #14783
                  Shannon Hicks
                    Below is the code I wrote several years ago that is still running on all our local tipping buckets.  This was way before all the ModularSensors libraries and MMW portal, so things could be written di
                  • #14785
                    Shannon Hicks
                      After thinking about this old code yesterday, I was curious about what actually happens if a tip occurs during a long delay period, like the 2-second delay on line 123 and and 2.5-second delay on line
                    • #14802
                        Shannon, great job moving the science forward. It seems like your line of experimentation could lead to a simpler way to count rain gauge tips and transmit the data to MMW possibly without using a Pro
                      • #16767
                          It did seem to make a difference in the short term but the problem started again. My latest fix was to ground the analogue signal cable drain wire to the battery negative. I’ve done this now on
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