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Graphing Software

Home Forums Other Data Loggers Graphing Software

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    • #1348
        Looking for an easy to use (low learning curve) graphing program that will display 1-3 inputs. I would like to have the cursor hovering ability to display data points from the inputs to compare readin
      • #1349

          Would Highcharts be suitable?

        • #1372
            I have looked at Highcharts but when hovering the mouse over a data point on the graph, only that data point value and time stamp were displayed. I needed to move my mouse to each input graph line to
          • #1411
            Tyler Mitchell

              Depending on your data source, you might really like Grafana – my go-to favourite. I used InfluxDB time series DB in the backend and it plugs in seamlessly.
              [video is no longer available]

            • #1470
              Steve Roberts

                I’ve been using flot, which uses jquery, as my website was already using jquery. Data comes from mysql / php

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