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Flood Network – Level Sensor Network

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Flood Network – Level Sensor Network

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  • Author
    • #1322
      Ben Ward
        Hi all,

        This is my first post on the board, but had to join in the conversation as I love what you guys are doing.

        A couple of years ago we started experimenting with low-cost sensors and ultrasoni

      • #1323
          Hi Ben
          Thanks for posting and the links. Fascinating and thanks for the status.
          I was wondering, does the “Distance sensor” have a memory, can it report all readings if the gateway goes do
        • #1325
          Tom Sayles
            Very exciting. I’ve been working on something similar, though smaller in scale (just our farm in western Washington State [USA], between Seattle and the Cascade Mountains. I’ve been experi
          • #1379
              Hey congrats. Very nice.
              I’ve been playing with the Particle.io photon as well, nice environment and easy to use.
              I was wondering how do you plan on calibrating it and tracking the accuracy of
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