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Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code

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  • Author
    • #16283
      Jim Moore
        @damiano – I am attempting to upgrade my LEC stations to the new 4G s

        Simcom boards an

      • #16289
        Jim Moore

          <h2 class=”user-nicename”>@srgdamiano</h2>
          Hi Sara-

          I spelled your handle wrong so maybe you didn’t see this.  Do yo need more details?

        • #16325
          Jim Moore
            @srgdamiano @hicks

            Current status of my problem; I am using the 0.5 Mayfly board and have changed to appropite line from 18 to -1 and I get compile errors related to NeosWSerial.ccp.  I have updated

          • #16327
            Shannon Hicks

              Are you using the new sim7080 directly plugged in to the Mayfly, or are you still using the LTEbee adapter board from your old Digi hardware in between the sim7080 and the Mayfly?

            • #16328
              Jim Moore

                The new sim7080 is plugged directly into the Mayfly 0.5b.

              • #16329
                Jim Moore

                  I assume that the NeoSWSerial function is needed. to talk to the sim7080 and that is why I am not getting any response from the modem

                • #16330
                  Shannon Hicks

                    Email me your sketch and I’ll load it to a v0. 5b board and see if I can recreate your issue.

                  • #16331
                    Jim Moore


                      I emailed the sketch and the associate pio .ini file.

                      Thanks for looking into this.

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