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DRWI_LTE Mayfly Communication with Monitor My Watershed

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger DRWI_LTE Mayfly Communication with Monitor My Watershed

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  • Author
    • #15241
      Cheryl Nolan
        After copying text from ‘Token and UUID List’ and adding to DRWI_LTE (see screenshots), changing the logger ID, adding the slashes in front of the turbidity sensor code line etc. and chang
      • #15251
        Sara Damiano

          I’m sorry, could you paste your whole code and a more detailed error message.

        • #15254
          Cheryl Nolan
            <h4>This is the error message I get:</h4>
            Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows Store (Windows 10), Board: “EnviroDIY Mayfly 1284p”


            • #15257
              Cheryl Nolan

                I thought I had found the problem but, I was wrong. However, to be honest I don’t know if I have a Decagon CTD-10 or a Meter Group Hydros 21. My invoice calls out a “CTD-10Hydros 21

            • #15258
              Sara Damiano
                For the code, it makes no difference if it’s a Hydros21 or a CTD-10.  The change between them is name-only.

                Did you install all of the libraries from either the

              • #15263
                Cheryl Nolan

                  Ok, thank you. I will check.

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