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Distributor of yosemitech sensor in USA

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Distributor of yosemitech sensor in USA

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  • Author
    • #12723
      Cesar Hormazabal
        Hi everyone,
        I need to adquire the yosemitech sensor to integrate with Mayfly datalogger, i am creating a multiparameter sonde for limnological variables.
        Specifically i need the yosemitech Y514-A (
      • #12725
          Hi Cesar,

          We (mostly me and @aufdenkampe, I think) have been purchasing them directly from Yosemitech because they are so darn cost-effective without compromising quality. Currently they are subject

        • #12728
          Cesar Hormazabal
            Hi Beth,

            Thanks for your detailed answer !
            We contact YOSEMITECH, and we will try that the fast delivery time.
            Also, we found similar equipment in Isweek (www.isweek.com). They are only dedicated to

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