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Digi LTEBee on Mayfly v1.x

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Digi LTEBee on Mayfly v1.x

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  • Author
    • #17159
      Matt Barney
        What jumper settings are required to operate a Digi XBee LTE-M on Mayfly v1.x? I’ve read the jumper settings page, which
      • #17160
        Shannon Hicks
          The purpose of the now-discontinued “EnviroDIY LTEbee Adapter” was to allow people to use the Digi brand LTE cellular module with the Mayfly v0.5 boards by doing 3 main thing:  providing
        • #17161
          Matt Barney
            Thanks for this excellent detail.

            So we could continue to use the LTEBee adapter with the Digi modem on a v1.1 Mayfly, which would retain the functionality of the white and blue modem status LEDs, an

          • #17162
            Shannon Hicks
              No, the old LTEbee Adapter should not be used with a Mayfly v1.x board.  You simply plug the Digi board directly into the Mayfly v1.x board with no adapter at all.  Make the changes to the jumpers I
            • #17163
              Matt Barney

                OK, got it, thanks.

                I’ve made the hardware and software modifications you recommended and all seems to work perfectly.

                Thanks again.

              • #17164
                  @mbarney on Mayfly 1.1 I connect SJ17  – that enables the Blue Network Status LED, and indicates the progress of the LTE-CATME connection.   Off – no connection,   ( I think)  ON 
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