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Data Uploading but not Publishing

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Data Uploading but not Publishing

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  • Author
    • #16657
      Michael Daniel
        Hello all,

        Forgive me if this has been discussed before, I searched the forums and I wasn’t able to find any similar issues.

        I’ve been trying to set up a new monitoring station (

      • #16658
        Jim Moore

          It may be that MMW doesn’t like the underscore.  I had a similar problem when I used # in the name of my stations.

        • #16659
          Michael Daniel
            Thanks for replying so quickly Jim!

            I have another station with the underscore that is currently uploading correctly, but I’ll give it a shot.

            Edit: I changed the underscore to a dash, but it

          • #16662
              Hello Nancy, With some students we created a new site https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/SSU_ENG_SD02/ and its having an issue with displaying the time in the front page TSV and I entered an issue o
            • #16665
              Shannon Hicks

                This looks like a common database issue that usually gets resolved by a server restart, so maybe @aufdenkampe can comment on it?

              • #16809
                Michael Daniel
                  I decided to try to make a new site in order to try to work around the problem, but that hasn’t seemed to work either. I’m now getting 504 response codes. The data is still uploading to MM
                • #16828
                  Matt Barney
                    I’m also unable to delete sites (Server Error 500), and unable to delete sensors (no errors, but nothing gets deleted). I am going to report this via an issue at the Github site for the MMW data
                  • #16858
                      @lyh2o just thinking about this I wonder, assuming you have this in the office close to the computer that is programming it, if you could enable some debugging and post the trace here.

                      The debugging

                    • #16897
                        What was the solution to the problem? We are having trouble with our location dot still being gray. It is clearly collecting data but is not displaying the numbers below the graph under last observati
                      • #16904
                        Matt Barney
                          We are also seeing the missing display of “Last observation” values for all new stations we deploy, though it continues to work for stations that were deployed prior to the MonitorMyWaters
                        • #16913
                          Shannon Hicks
                            @aufdenkampe, do you have any information about why certain sites are having this issue of their map marker being gray even though they’re still sending live data, or the issue of sensors not be
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