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Data download not working

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Data download not working

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  • Author
    • #17799
      Matt Barney
        I’m unable to download data from any sites. When I click ‘Download Sensor Data’, Chrome returns “Failed – Server problem.” When trying the same in Firefox, a new ta
      • #17800
        Sara Damiano

          Can you try again? There was a hot-fix yesterday that caused trouble, but it was reverted this morning. The download is working for me right now.

        • #17801
          Matt Barney

            Yes, it’s working again. Thanks.

          • #17812
            Jim Moore

              I have been getting “server error(500)” for the last two days on all stations I attempt to load.

            • #17813
              Jim Moore

                The MMW server is working now but there is a data gap between 5/12 @15:00 and 5/13 @ 07:15.  Will that data be restored or will we need to rely on the station SD card?

              • #17814
                Sara Damiano

                  I don’t know whether the data is lost or not. I’ll look into it.

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