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Current, best-supported cellular XBee radio for MayFly

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Current, best-supported cellular XBee radio for MayFly

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    • #12584
        What’s the current (Oct 2018), best-supported cellular XBee radio for use with a MayFly? It would be nice to have a US-based supplier and it seems the GPRSBee is available only from Sodaq in the
      • #12585
        Sara Damiano
          In our live installations, we still have the 2G Bees. That being said, what do you mean by “supported?” The Mayfly should work very with any of the digi cellular Xbees. You do need the sol
        • #12586
            Sara, thanks for your thoughtful and complete response. I’ve been reading a lot of threads, and hadn’t realized the issue with Digi XBees was restricted to Hologram SIM cards. I’m us
          • #12590
            Sara Damiano
              That all looks right.

              Two notes:
              All Sodaq uBee’s (U201 (3G), R410M (LTE-M), and N211 (LTE NB-IoT)) should work with the Mayfly with no soldering required, but I personally have only tested the

            • #12591
              Sara Damiano

                Update! I got the Digi LTE-M XBee to work on Hologram!

                It turns out I needed a brand new sim; one that had never been registered with another device. As soon as I put that in, it worked.

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