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Could Mayfly have been damaged during storm event?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Could Mayfly have been damaged during storm event?

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  • Author
    • #15851
      Cheryl Nolan
        I went out this week to do my inspection, cleaning and SIM card swap so that I could download the monitoring data. I typically stay long enough to verify the data is being downloaded onto the card (or
      • #15852
          Hello Cheryl. I wonder could you say what its setting is. What is the geography, what wires are coming out, and how is it powered?

          For electronics any form of excess voltage on processor pins can cau

        • #15853
          Cheryl Nolan
            Hi Neil,

            The unit is a water monitoring station that has a CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) sensor in the stream, in a remote section of the stream’s headwaters and the electronics are

          • #15857
              Hi Cheryl, nice pics, good to have a record.

              Typically on pressing reset, the LEDs dance red/green for a few seconds.  The orange light would seem to indicate its getting power from the solar panel

            • #15859
              Cheryl Nolan
                Yes, Neil I agree. I should have thought of that. There’s nothing being recorded so it would make sense that it’s the processor that failed. I do have a spare processor. I’ll have to try replaci
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