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Charging 6600 mAh Li-ion battery with 3.5W solar panel

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Charging 6600 mAh Li-ion battery with 3.5W solar panel

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    • #12244
        I have a stupid question for Shannon or anyone who knows Mayfly better than me.
        I have a 3.5W 6W solar panel from Voltaic. I am charging 3.7V 6600mAh Li-ion battery with it.
        Voltaic specs say that the
      • #12245
          And on the related note,
          am I correct in assuming that solar panel will charge the battery even if I leave Mayfly in off mode?
          In other words, I don’t need to turn on the Mayfly and then wait fo
        • #12246
          Shannon Hicks
            On most of our Mayfly sensor stations, We use the 3.5W panel from Voltaic, and it’ll charge a brand new battery just a few hours in full sun. When you buy a new Lipo, it should already be at le
          • #12252
              That was very helpful and informative reply. I did see that the yellow LED doesn’t quite go out but faints (equivalent of ‘off’) after charging
              the battery using microUSB cable. It t
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