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Calculated variable pointers preventing logging to SD

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Calculated variable pointers preventing logging to SD

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  • Author
    • #12818
      James B

        I am testing a nearly identical setup to the showcased build “Construction of Water Level Monitoring Sensor Station” with the addition of a Maxbotix MB7389 and a Xbee LTE CatM1 ins

      • #12820
        James B
        • #12821
          Sara Damiano
            Oh dear. I’ll get on this ASAP and let you know how it’s going.

            A warning on the ublox shield:the native baud rate is 112500, which is to fast for the Mayfly. Look at the gitgub issue on

          • #12822
            Sara Damiano
              I’m starting to look at the calculated variables.

              Have you read the threads on the LTE-M XBee? I’ve gotten it to work; hopefully you can too! https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors

            • #12823
              James B
                Thanks Sara! Yes I have been over both the GPRS bee thread and the LTEM thread here on the forums and the Github thread a bunch. I added a crude “capacitor chain” with the recommended valu
              • #12826
                Sara Damiano
                  Ugh. I’m sorry. I can definitely reproduce this, but I haven’t solved it yet. I’m fairly certain it’s because I’m linking object together in the constructors, but they
                • #12828
                  James B

                    No problem! Thank you for taking the time to look into it.

                  • #12830
                    Sara Damiano

                      If you’re curious, I’m working on the objectInitialization branch for this.

                    • #12831
                      James B
                        Awesome I’ll head over there. I made huge progress with the XBee LTEM. Have it working with just the reset jumper wire. I added a line to one of the .H files where the APN is set to hologram and
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